All open slots are filled for our November beginner class. The next beginner class we run will start January 4th.
Enrollment Confirmation Required for November Classes
Hi Potential New Fencers,
Due to the larger than normal group we had start fencing with us in September, we are capping enrollment for the Beginner Class starting November 2nd.
If you are sure you’re ready to start fencing with us in November, please send us an email at
After our spots fill up, I will ask people to delay their start until the January class. If you do not email me before showing up to class, I may turn you away on November 2nd. (If we already emailed, you should be good to go.)
Our first class is always free to try and no obligation, but we’re asking that you be seriously considering starting an 8 week class with us before confirming enrollment.
We’ve stlll got spots open for now though, so let me know if you’re interested and ready to start Nov 2nd.
Fencing Practice CANCELLED for 9/14 – Resumes 9/21
Fencing Practice is CANCELLED for tonight due to a sudden scheduling conflict at our location. We will resume practice as normal on 9/21. We’re sorry for any inconvenience, and especially for the late notice.
Non-Competitive USA Fencing Membership
Hi Everyone who attended our beginner class on Sept 7th. If you’re planning to come back next week and keep fencing with us, please complete a $10 NON-COMPETETIVE USA Fencing Membership at this link:…/show/698114-individual-membership
Please note that ALL experienced fencers must have also completed a non-competitive (or higher) membership for 2016-2017 to be in good standing with the club.
Next Beginner Class Starts September 7th
This is the first Wed in September and the next chance for beginners to start Fencing at Fencing Club AVL.
Next chance will be November 2nd.
UPDATE: Attention NEW Fencers starting Sept 7th. The link below contains the Trial membership form for USA Fencing. Please help us out by bringing a completed copy of form and bring to the first class on the 7th. (If you forget we’ll have paper copies, but it’s going to be a big group and it’ll be nice to spend less time on paperwork) PDF version of 2016-2017 Trial Membership Form
Practice confirmed for 8/3 – Also time to renew USA Fencing membership
Practice is confirmed for 8/3/2016 and we definitely will have access to the Asheville Catholic School Gym this week.
Also, it’s August and that means it’s time to renew your USA fencing membership. A non-competitive membership is required for Fencing Club Asheville members because it covers our insurance. You can sign up here
If you bring the membership card from USA fencing or print the online receipt you get when you signup you’ll get $10 off (the cost of the membership) for this month’s dues. If you can’t print it out, just forward it (make sure no Credit Card info appears) to and you’ll still get the dues reduction.
In September, Bren will be checking to make sure everyone has at least a non-competitive membership with USA fencing.
Practice Resumes Wed 6/29 – Summer Schedule
The Water is fixed at Asheville Catholic School and we are going to have practice tomorrow 6/29 at 7pm at ACS.
Our Summer Schedule until August 24th or so will be Wednesday night practice and open fencing from 7pm to 9:30pm. There will be no Open Fencing Monday nights at least until the fall, (if basketball season permits it to resume)
Water main break – No practice this week – Next Practice Wed 6/29
Asheville Cathoic is closed due to a water main break this week.
No Practice on Wed 6/22. We expect the water to be restored on or around This Friday, so we have to cancel practice this week again.
We feel it’s very likely we’ll be back to our regular scheduled practice time (every Wed) by 6/29, Next wed. So We’ll see everyone then!
Practice moved to thursday 5/27 this week.
But we’re back to normal Wed practice the following week.
No Practice 5/11
NEXT WEEK, 5/11, PRACTICE IS CANCELLED due to an event at our location. Next practice (after tonight) will be 5/18.
Please also note that tonight 5/4/2016 we’re starting our next beginner class. This will be the last opportunity for beginners to start this spring.