Enrollment Confirmation Required for November Classes

Hi Potential New Fencers,

Due to the larger than normal group we had start fencing with us in September, we are capping enrollment for the Beginner Class starting November 2nd.

If you are sure you’re ready to start fencing with us in November, please send us an email at FencingClubAsheville@gmail.com

After our spots fill up, I will ask people to delay their start until the January class.  If you do not email me before showing up to class, I may turn you away on November 2nd.  (If we already emailed, you should be good to go.)

Our first class is always free to try and no obligation, but we’re asking that you be seriously considering starting an 8 week class with us before confirming enrollment.

We’ve stlll got spots open for now though, so let me know if you’re interested and ready to start Nov 2nd.
