
Next Wed, May 29th we will start beginner classes at 7:15 and go until 8:15.  The school will have an awards ceremony that ends around 7pm.

June 5th, we will be NOT have practice due to school graduation.

Spring Break Schedule

Tonight, 4/10/2019 we are fencing.

Next week, 4/17/2019 the school and fencing club will be closed for spring break.

Class will resume the week after on 4/24.  Have fun on break and be safe!


Last chance for Beginners to start until September is this Wed, 3/27

Our next group of beginners will start this week on Wed 3/27 from 7:00-8:15pm.

We are looking pretty tight on space so please email me at if you haven’t already reserved your spot.   At this point, we’re as full as we can get safely.  If you haven’t reached out to us today, you’ll have to wait until September to start.

After this week our next chance for beginners to start will be in September (although fencers with previous experience are always welcome).



Practice tonight

Practice will be held tonight, 1/23. School is open and the roads seem okay locally. Please use caution and drive safe as always, especially if the temps dip back below freezing.

Classes Resume and New Beginners start today

REMINDER: Practice will resume today for all fencers, including our intermediate group and our September beginners moving into that group.  New Beginners will also have their first class today. All classes will start at 7pm in North Asheville.

End of Fall Beginner Session

Tomorrow will be the last class of our fall session.  All fencers from the fall session will be able to continue to Winter session as part of the intermediate group.

At practice we’ll have a brief discussion of what happens after a cycle of beginner classes.  The full scoop will be at the link below.  Please feel free to ask Bren any questions at the end of practice.

Intermediate and Open Fencing

RSVP for January Beginner Class Now

Our next chance for beginners to start is Wed, January 2nd, 2019 at 7pm.

If you would like to attend our free trial beginner class at this time, please email us to RSVP at

Once we get more RSVPs than we can safely squeeze into the gym we will close registration.

This applies to brand new beginners only.  If you have fenced with us previously, or have fencing experience in general please come back and fence with us either in the intermediate class or at open fencing.

Our next chance for beginners to start after January will be Wed March 27th.