We will have a 10 minute all members club meeting at 7:35 Tuesday immediately after beginner/intermediate class.

We are happy to announce that Fencing Club Asheville has locked in a new location at a dedicated space in West Asheville/Emma. We have got to make a few renovations to our new location before we can practice there. The meeting will cover our plans about these renovations. We are looking for club members and their parents who have experience with Drywall, Drywall demolition, electrical and HVAC projects to help us get the new space ready ASAP. Reach out to me on discord, by email at FencingClubAsheville@gmail.com or by text/call at 301-537-0211 if you are willing to help with planning.

Every club member who is willing will have a role in helping us make our new space a wonderful place to Fence!